A Reflection

Me at Mooloolaba Here I Am

You know it has been over a year since I have blogged here at Here I Am. And so much has happened in that year!

WH has gotten a sideways type promotion

We moved!

I have been diagnosed with arthritis (not the end of the world diagnosis though)

I have changed jobs & happier for it

I have also been blogging about my journey as a runner over at my blog running blog Bird 2 Run.Running has been a great journey for me over the last year & I have really enjoyed documenting my progress and races.

But I was finding myself wanting to write about other things that I was doing over at Bird 2 Run as well. As I don’t do a huge amount of running when I don’t have a race coming up, but it just didn’t feel right, the purpose of Bird 2 Run was to document and keep myself accountable to my running goals.

Which is why I am back here & why I’ve decided to do a theme update too.

Here I can share the journey of being a housewife & a crafty girl. As well as share my walk with God.

So keep an eye out for what is to come.