This is going to be alittle wordy

Hey hey! It has been a couple of weeks (sorry!) & I have totally fallen off the January Cure wagon Sad smile.

But that is all ok, considering how the last couple of weeks have been, alittle CRAZY!

Crayness started Sunday 2 weeks ago with a little getaway that myself & WH (wonderful husband) took. We headed to Brissie for a night to have dinner with friends & then spending another night on the Goldie to do some shopping, hanging by the pool & have dinner at our favourite restaurant that is at the hotel we stay in.

Side note: the previous week I had begun cycling again & had pushed myself pretty hard (hard for me anyway).

After dinner with our friends both of my legs become very, very sore & started to stiffen and seize. Through out the weekend things went up & down with how well I could walk, when we got to the Goldie WH took me on a walk to hopefully stretch out my legs. This only made my whole body feel worse, sick to my stomach. After food, sleep & more light walking I did feel better but when I got home all I wanted to do was sit on the couch & nap.

After a good few days of rest I felt better, then the weather decided to do some crazy. Saturday (last week) the weather went from rainy to really rainy.

Another side note: Far north of where we live at this point a category 1 cyclone was heading for the coast. Not usual for wind and rain to get this far down as the result of a cyclone up north.

Sunday it got worse, big worse. The Cyclone (called Oswald) had crossed the coast up north & was heading south. It was no longer considered a cyclone, but no one seems to have told it that. In a nut shell Sunday power went out & didn’t come back on until Wednesday morning. 3 full days without power. 

Time was spent making sure we had plenty of freshwater (we live on tank water, no mains water, so no power = no pump = no water into the house, yep even to the toilet) & non perishable food to eat. As well has moving our generator around to both of our parents houses to run their deep freezers for awhile so they didn’t lose what was inside. Didn’t totally work. Our frozen stuff went to WH’s work to stay in the staff room freezer, but we did lose everything in our fridge.

After Wednesday the rest of the week has been getting the house back into order, putting water jug & buckets away. Washing towels & doing all the laundry in the house. And cleaning up the backyard, which we were lucky, no damage. Up north people have lost so much, homes, memories & in some cases loved ones.

So yeah, crazy couple of weeks. And today (Monday 4th Feb) is my birthday! I’ll be back with all the details soon!

Here is to 2013 being alittle charmer for awhile. 

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